Autism Education

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Language Learning: What is the best mode for your Child?

When we dive into a subject so large as language we first have to identify the best mode of language that works for your child. Make sure when you sit down and figure out the best means of communication that everyone is on the same page. Here are some of our communication options:
Verbal language
Sign language (ASL)
PECS (picture exchange communication),
a point system using PECS
Augmentative communication
Typewritten communication
and a modified system of whole communication which incorporates all modes.
It is important to encourage your child to communicate on all levels even if the sign isn't perfect still accept and honor requests just make sure that your modify the sign when they request the second time. If you are striving to keep your child verbal that is great, just be aware that often times if others are having a hard time understanding your child it can cause frustration. The frustration can lead your child to decrease in communication. In this case you may want to pair verbal with sign language to help based on his/her needs. Every child is different and based on your child's specific needs communication should be a constant. When I say constant I mean that across the board stick with one mode of communication. If school is using Sign Language but at home you are using PECS, you may be confusing the child. In order to keep your child successful with language learning you should try to also learn Sign language. I would like to recommend ASL browser which is a free online video pictorial of common sign words. You may find in such cases that your child may have less anxiety and temper tantrums if you resolve issues around communication. After all if your child is trying to tell you something but you don't understand and at school they do understand then they will have a tougher time at home. Sometimes you need to change up the mode of communication based on fine motor skills or other issues. But the key to have everyone work together as a team. It is important for families to hold schools accountable for expanding language.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Applied Behavior Analysis 3.0 the updated version

Do I think ABA works, indeed it does. However it isn't the only method for therapeutic intervention. I understand that just because something works doesn't always lead itself to be the be all and end all of tools. I have a vast experience through my work as a private consultant to working in companies as well as public schools to have learned that ABA sometimes doesn't work for all children. One of my favorite lines is "If you have met one person with Autism, well you have just met one person with Autism". The spectrum is vast in it's range of ability and my biggest challenge is educating those around me as to how specific autism is for each and every child on the spectrum. My background is in Traditional ABA theory and methods but I have learned over the years that ABA needs to be updated and modified to some degree. Just as our world changes so does the way we need to educate children. We have more technology and educated staff who are willing to try new methods and train classroom teachers to embrace children on the spectrum.